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Obviously cancer is something that happens to other people, not me. Of course you have symptoms; lumps & bumps, aches & pains that warn you something is wrong.
Oh how wrong I was!
In August 2021, I psyched myself up & went for my pap test. Like most women I do not enjoy this experience so usually put it off as long as possible. In this instance thank goodness I put on my big girl pants and cracked on with it rather than avoiding it.
Although a pap smear isn’t able to detect ovarian cancer this pap was the start of a life changing experience I never expected to undergo.

Jo Yates provides us with a list of no-go questions to ask someone with cancer, as well as a list of things you should definitely say, based on her own experience with Ovarian cancer in 2021.
If you find out someone you care about has a cancer diagnosis, you may be scared and unsure of what to do. If you have lost someone previously to cancer, it can be a big trigger for you. You know your friend is going to be dealing with a lot right now, and you want to help, but don’t know what to say.

Healthy and fit woman's disbelief as routine test uncovers ovarian cancer - as she reveals the 'subtle' changes to her body before the shock diagnosis
Jo Yates had never even heard of ovarian cancer when she was diagnosed with the deadly disease in November last year.
The 43-year-old video producer and home renovator from Noosa had a routine pap smear which led to doctors fearing she had endometriosis - but a CT scan detected something far more sinister.
'I had no symptoms, no pain and was the healthiest I had ever been... I now know why this disease so terrifying and can be easily missed,' Jo told FEMAIL.